Sunday, December 8, 2013

A popular way to stop smoking cigarettes! Electronic cigarettes helping to stop cravings.

Lots of people around the world are aware of the dangers of smoking cigarettes.  More and more everyday we are reminded of the long lasting damage cigarettes do to human body.  Laws from not just the U.S. but globally are tightening down on smoking laws.  Banning smokers and leaving them out in the cold to smoke their diseased cigarettes to the outside.

As smokers try to fit in more and still get what they want.  Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigs) is an option for smokers to regain their banished lives and rejoin the community to stay in from the cold.  E-Cigs still may give you a couple of evil glances.  But not as bad as a tobacco user gets when they light up.

Electronic cigarettes is the new thing, well not quite but by today's standards it is.  The popularity has grown in recent years and lots of people are starting to make the switch to a much safer alternative.  The only thing electronic cigarettes have is the nicotine and has eliminated all those other nasty chemicals.  Tar, rat poison etc.etc.  .

Popular E-Cig manufactures are perfecting their electronic devices for making the best product out there.  A race to develop the perfect Cigarette.  Longer lasting battery life to the thickest vapor smoke to the perfect flavor.  All these can be found online or at your local smoke shops and gas stations.  

To help stop cravings, the electronic cigarette is something a smoker is going to have to get use to.  It is not quite the same as a cigarette.  Nicotine levels are important here, definitely be aware of these levels to help you get the craving of nicotine.  E-Cigs manufactures are selling different levels in their cartridges.  Of course they all are different per manufacturer.  But the normal is 0mg-23mg of nicotine, 0 meaning none to 23mg as in Red or full flavor.

Finally, flavor of E-Cigs.  Of course you have your typical flavors:  Menthol, Lights, Full Flavor, Gold etc. But now their are also the many many flavors to choose from.  Something a little different than the old taste of nicotine.  Some popular flavors:  Vanilla, Strawberry, Pina Cola ta, Peach to even yes I say it Champagne.

Smokers:  Go ahead and try this as an alternative to traditional cigarettes.  Its just a small price to try to quit, they offer disposables.  The one cigarette you throw away when done, so give it a try it can't hurt.  One last thing to think of:  1 pack of tobacco cigarettes average $5.00.  1 cartridge for electronic cigarette $1.40.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Holiday shopping for E-Cigs? Updates Coming til Christmas!

Updated throughout the holiday season so Bookmark us for updates or simply follow us on RSS!

Holiday Discounts on E-Cigs!

There are a lot of electronic cigarette companies to choose from.  They all have their advantages and disadvantages.  Here we will dissect which company is going out of their way this holiday season to bring you the best deals:

Green Smoke came right out after Cyber Monday announcing their deals this Christmas.

Click the banner below for the Christmas Holiday Sale:  50% off on Holiday Gift Starter Kits.

half off on all starter kits
Green Smoke Holiday Sale

V2 cigs has already had their end of the year sale that ended on Dec 2nd.  No word on any sale (updated Dec. 3rd)
Product Placement below

V2 Cigs electronic cigarettes - Light Up Your Holiday, Not Your Cigarette!

Premium Vapes had a really good deal for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  If you missed their buy one get one free offer and their big sales.  Well you might be kicking yourself because as of now (updated Dec.3rd) No word on a sale

Another Product Placement below

South Beach Smoke also had big sale after thanksgiving 50% off sale. No word on any sale.  Stay up to date on this blog to find out where the best deal on Home Delivery E-Cigs.

South Beach Smoke E-Cigarette - The Better Smoking Choice

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cyber Monday E-Cig Deals!

Premium Vapes Ecigarette Cyber Monday Deal
V2 Cigs electronic cigarettes - #1 Ecig Brand Worldwide!

Great Home Delivery Company.  Check out their sales for Monday only!

Their Holiday Sale continues til Monday! 25% Everything!