Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Selecting the right electronic cigarette that works for you!

First congratulations on taking the first step on trying to cut back or completely stop smoking cigarettes. It's tough but more and more people are searching a way to supplement their smoking habits. Electronic cigarettes are a popular choice on quitting smoking. There are many factors on finding a reliable electronic cigarette that will make you feel more comfortable quitting.

First the price of electronic cigarettes are usually around the same price. Sometimes you can catch a break on a big sale but the sale will end and then what? Online stores have great deals, they also offer you to become a permanent customer and get deals all the time. Also it makes it easy to reorder the products you like and have it delivered straight to your door.

Starter Kits vs. Disposable Cigarettes

Disposables are the one and done concept and can become very expensive if you want more. But if you want to try it out first this would be the way to go.

Starter kits are rechargeable electronic cigarettes that can be used over and over. They come with a wall charger and/or a car charger. The only thing to buy are the atomizers or cartridges.

Cartridges or atomizers hold the nicotine and the flavor of the ecig. The flavors help with the nasty taste of air. (HAHA) Cartridges also hold the nicotine which can be bought in different levels. To be compared to cigarettes as Lights or Reds.

There are many flavors to choose from: Regular tobacco, Light tobacco, menthol and other great flavors as coffee, mocha, vanilla and so much more. A great website that I recommend is which is affiliated with South Beach Smoke. South Beach is a very good electronic cigarette that is made in the USA. A reliable company that offers warranties and money back guarantee with their great product. Also they always have a great sale going on usually 20% less then what you would see at a local gas station or smoke shop.

I hope you understand a little more about what a electronic cigarette is and the difference between what these companies try to sell you.

Good luck

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